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Orientation to the Library for 1L Students

Study Aids Overview

The library provides access to several study aids that can help you prepare for final exams. Below is a summary of our various electronic study aid packages. You can find these resources on the library’s website. For more information, please see our Study Aids Research Guide.


Always follow your professor's instructions on study aid use!

Video Overview 

Popular Resources 

  • Gilbert’s Law Summaries—These are outlines. They include examples, exam tips, and visual aids such as charts.  
  • Acing Series—These provide summaries of a particular topic, including checklists for analyzing issues and sample problems with solutions.  
  • Exam Pro—These are a series of practice exams followed by an answer key. There is an option to use an interactive format for answering multiple-choice questions.  
  • Step by Step Guides—These are interactive workbooks designed to prepare students for exams. They include rule statements, fill-in-the-blank spaces to help you learn terminology, short-answer Test Yourself questions, and full-length essay questions with sample answers.


If you are on campus, you can use IP authentication, which means that you don’t need an individual account to access these materials. Having an individual account, on the other hand, enables you to highlight and take notes like you would in a book. Your individual account also allows you to view books and listen to audio titles offline. You can set up your personal account here using your law school email address.  


Wolters Kluwer Study Aid Library   

Popular Resources

  • Examples and Explanations—These popular resources provide a series of hypothetical questions accompanied by detailed explanations that help you learn how to apply black letter law concepts. 
  • Emanuel Law Outlines—These outlines cover topics, cases, and black letter law. They include Quiz Yourself tests and exam tips. There is also a capsule summary that allows for a quick review of key topics.
  • Emanuel CrunchTime—These are designed for exam studying. They include flowcharts, capsule summaries, example tips, and sample questions with model answers. 
  • Glannon Guides—These explain legal topics with hypotheticals that illustrate how to apply the concepts. Both the correct and incorrect options are explained. 


If you are on campus, you can use IP authentication, which means that you don’t need an individual account to access these materials. Having an individual account, on the other hand, enables you to save notes, bookmarks, highlights, favorites, share with others, print text, and create shelves. To create a personalized account, log in using the link above and then click “Register” and create your username and password. 

 Lexis Digital Library

Popular Resources 

  • Mastering Series—These provide a clear discussion of topics covered in popular casebooks.
  • Questions and Answers—These include multiple-choice and short-answer questions in a topically arranged format, as well as a practice exam that covers a wide range of topics. There are explanations of multiple-choice answers and model answers for short-answer questions.


Access is available using the link above or via the library’s website. Download the LexisNexis Digital Library app from the Google Play™ store or Apple Store® to read offline.


Video Overview  


CALI stands for the Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction. Almost all law schools in the country belong to CALI, a non-profit organization that offers interactive online lessons and other learning resources.  

Types of Resources  

  • CALI Lessons—These are interactive tutorials that introduce legal concepts and then immediately test your knowledge of those concepts. More than 1,000 tutorials have been written and peer-reviewed by faculty at CALI member schools. Often, the best way to find a tutorial is to use the Subject Outline.  
  • Law School Success Lessons—CALI includes a terrific collection of tutorials on law school success and legal concepts and skills. 
  • Podcasts—Most CALI materials are interactive lessons. However, they do have a selection of podcasts on contracts, payment systems, secured transactions, law school success, and bar preparation.  


To use CALI, you must register for an individual account with a registration code. Please contact us if you need assistance accessing CALI.
